why is learning empathy as important as logical reasoning in school

The world would appear to be a far more straightforward place if we could rely strictly on logic. However, human beings, and the world in general, need both empathy and logical thinking to be successful. Empathy helps us understand, know others, and form connections with diverse people. Logical thinking helps us comprehend and understand the world practically for our own well-being, decision-making, and navigating through daily routines and tasks. 

How logical reasoning is important? 

Logical reasoning is a problem-solving ability that we want students to acquire as part of their mathematical reasoning as well as real-life experiences. It is best described as sequential. If you think logically about something, it means you can take specific and known steps to solve it.

Mathematics is a sequential process. Learning logical thinking occurs first during the early stages of education. In the classroom, our students need to analyze the current situation, understand the sequence, and ask themselves, “What comes next?”. 

The more logical thinking activities we incorporate in the classroom and curriculum, the more prepared children will be for adulthood. In order to raise rational, logical-thinking problem-solvers who can view the world from a variety of angles, teachers have the opportunity to provide the foundation for these skills to help children right from an early age.

How empathy is important?

Empathy has been defined and described in many ways. It is a trait as well as a skill.  Empathy is the ability to identify with the feelings of another person, see the world from their perspective, and imagine the experience of the other by connecting with how that experience might impact us. However, “putting yourself in someone else’s shoes” is easier said than done.  

A parent hopes to instill kindness and compassion in their kids, but this task involves more than simply asking them to do nice things for others. People who are genuinely kind and compassionate are motivated by empathy activity. They work hard to see things from another person’s point of view and understand how others are feeling. They can also anticipate what might ease the pain of others, but without jumping to take charge of people’s lives. When a person is able to do all of these empathy activities, they are truly empathetic. 

To develop empathy involves emotional intelligence as it requires you to understand one’s own feelings and how others feel, as well as be able to exercise self-control. In many ways, cultivating empathy is an essential life skill, it’s vital to building healthy and happy relationships with friends and family and doing well in life.

Why do we need to learn both at the same time?

Developing empathy and logical thinking- both are needed for the development of the student’s mind and provide them with a solid foundation for the future.

Logical reasoning impacts students’ abilities to obtain new information, helps them think rationally, and enables them to comprehend and evaluate information in the world around them. 

Cultivating empathy plays just as crucial a role as logical reasoning in a student’s life. Teaching empathy helps students develop emotionally, and also helps them understand other people’s perspectives, and it’s essential to the student’s overall development as a human being and a responsible citizen. 

Additionally, teaching empathy in schools makes students better performers, and achievers without necessarily becoming over-focused on perfections. This helps them to become better leaders outside the classroom. Empathy is an essential quality of leadership. Leaders must be able to develop empathy with their followers in order to make sure they feel valued.

 Developing empathy will prepare students for life outside of school by helping them to be the best versions of themselves, and to accomplish great things. Children’s parents and teachers are eager to instil the importance of empathy and diversity in them from an early age, so we have developed an educator’s tool kit that assists schools and teachers in teaching children the value of diversity and inclusion. A great tool to begin building a world where being different is OK and nobody is odd-one-out! 

Explore the Kit Here

About Ginny’s Planet:

Ginny’s Planet is a social enterprise Co-founded by Dr. Shweta Verma in 2019. The brand runs on the core value of helping our teachers and parents to teach their children to become independent, smart and better leaders by equipping them with a deep understanding of empathy, diversity, disability and inclusion. Dr. Shweta and the team work on building events, workshops and products to help guardians to trigger kids’ mindsets and develop the flexibility in situations. They work with schools to organise workshops for children. 
