Ho to male learning for diverse learners<br />

By: Bhoomi Jangid*

When we think about learning, what comes first?

Let’s think about it more. Learning is a process that leads to change. This change occurs due to experience and increases the potential for improved performance and future learning.

How can we help others learn?

Let us understand the type of learning methods and styles.

According to Kolb’s Cycle of Experiential Learning, there are 4 processes or types of learning, as explained by Valentina Sharlanova (2004): 

  1. Concrete learning is when any learner is introduced to a new experience or relooks at a past differently. 
  2. Reflective observation is when a learner is promoted to reflect on the experience from their personal bias.
  3. Abstract conceptualization is when a learner forms new ideas or modifies the existing ideas based on their reflection.
  4. Active experimentation is when a learner applies the ideas formed to their surroundings. 

The process of experiential learning can be simply called  Do – Reflect – Analyse – Apply 

Watch a video on Kolb’s cycle

Needs of diverse learners  

Diverse learners, evidently, have different styles of leanings and reflect our learnings. We need to make sure that for every learner, we can create different methods of learning. Everyone has their own style of learning. Hence, using Kolb’s framework described above, we can divide learning styles into multiple learning processes or activities.  According to the learning styles of diverse students, we can use different types of learning tools like audio, videos, stories, PPTs, theatre, readings, role plays, etc.

To consolidate learning, we can practice through exercises, such as mock tests, job interviews, etc. we can design learning like our experience and we can design for different kinds of groups.

For example,  Educators’ Kit On Diversity, developed by Ginny’s Planet, offers parents and teachers different kinds of methods for teaching diversity. Each activity /process contributes to multiple learning outcomes. One can use storytelling, making dolls, or creating stories using finger puppets, and drawings. Key learning points are emphasized while doing activities. For example, the ‘Make your own Ginny’ session teaches children doll making while introducing Ginny (the character and the doll) and diversity. 

Assessment: How do we know that learning has happened?

Learners demonstrate their knowledge through their words, interactions, and reactions. When this action changes in the learner may happen at the level of knowledge, attitude, or behavior. As a result of learning, learners come to see concepts, and ideas.

For example, when I joined the 4-month internship program of Ginny’s Planet, I attended the workshop sessions. I learned about Empathy & Diversity. When I started to apply this learning in my daily routine, I could see the change in my actions, views, words, and emotions.

There are different ways to assess one’s own learning levels. One such method is the use of Rubrics. 

What are Rubrics?

As shared by Northern Illinois University Centre for Innovative Teaching and Learning (2012)

  1. Rubrics are a method of score tracking for ourselves.
  2. A rubric is a guide of expectations for an assignment and it increases the level of quality and it helps to understand better.
  3. A rubric is a tool for learning and performance.
  4. Rubrics define criteria and level of quality.
  5. Rubrics can be simple or complex.

We can create tables according to our assignments or learning projects. We can add material that they have used and we can add research that they searched about. We can create according to our expectations of the project and Rubrics can also help to give ideas about the project They can see in the table what they have given so they can get ideas about that.

Example Case of Rubrics 

May I Join The Class Today? In Educators’ Kit on Diversity, this is the story of Ginny and her friend Choco- a bird. She used to go to the park and play with Choco. One day, Ginny wants to take Choco to her school but there was a debate about whether that should be done. This story triggers thoughts related to diversity and inclusion, including different learning needs. If a teacher wants to check their preparation for using this story from the Educators’ Kit (before taking it to the students), they can use the following rubric to understand this better: 

Example Rubric for story- May I join the class today
Example Rubric for story- May I join the class today.<br />

Use Inclusive Assessment Methods For Diverse Learners 

If we want to create an inclusive society and surroundings though first, we need to be Inclusive ourselves. If we want to teach inclusiveness in the classroom, first we should understand our own challenges and inhibitions towards inclusive practices. For diverse learners,  we may need to get out of our comfort zones and understand the needs of students. While many aspects may be similar,  every student has different needs and they can learn in different ways. We should equip ourselves and apply diverse teaching methods. 

As shared by Bidya (2021),

“In special education, assessment is fundamental because disabled children are complex learners with unique learning needs. Diversity and inclusion can’t be solved by one solution that fits everyone. The purpose of inclusion classroom assessment techniques is to provide information about what, how much, and how well students are learning with unique learning techniques” 

Depending on the disability of the student, accommodations will have to be ensured. It is important to see reasonable accommodations, not as favors, but instead as strategies and pathways to help everyone achieve their potential. 

 Every Teacher should be able to do work with all learners. In the book “The Invisible Majority”, Janki Narayan (2021, p. 91) suggested that regular B.Ed (Bachelors in Education) courses should include learning from the domain of social education as well. This way, every teacher can learn to be with a child with a Disability. 


Learning can happen in different ways and learning can be taught in different ways. As per Kolb’s Learning Styles, we can teach in a variety of ways by keeping diverse learners in mind. As an educator, we should apply different teaching methods to diverse learners. As an educator, we should also track progress in the classroom in an inclusive way. Educators have the necessary training, flexibility, and resources to provide instruction to students with a variety of learning styles and needs.  The purpose of classroom assessments is to help students to improve their learning, especially when they contain formative feedback, and help students to understand their own learning strategies.

Let’s build a world where being different is ok! 

About Ginny’s Planet

Ginny’s Planet is a social enterprise Co-founded by Dr. Shweta Verma in 2019. The brand runs on the core value of helping our teachers and parents to teach their children to become independent, smart, and better leaders by equipping them with a deep understanding of empathy, diversity, disability, and inclusion. Dr. Shweta and the team design events, workshops, and products to help guardians & schools to develop kids’ mindsets and evolve as adaptive and flexible human beings. They work with schools to organize workshops for children and teachers.

 Check out our Products


1. Bidya (2021). Assessment for Inclusive Schools. 

2. Northern Illinois University Centre for Innovative Teaching and Learning (2012). Rubrics for assessment. Instructional guide for university faculty and teaching assistants. Retrieved on 20 September 2022.

3. Valentina Sharlanova (2004). EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING. Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp 36-39. Retrieved on 19 September 2022.

*Bhoomi Jangid is an enthusiastic and open-minded person who is also a life-long learner. She is a Training Coordinator at Ginny’s Planet and engages closely with workshops and story session. Bhoomi is a Yoga Trainer and has also completed a course in design.