Our Work
Ginny’s Planet aims to build a world where no one is odd-one-out. We nurture aware, empathic, and diversity respecting people and spaces through the following:

1. Empathy and diversity training for children
These trainings are offered to children aged 4 years and above. The trainings use a combination of stories, toys, games, reflections, and action. These sessions are conducted in a short workshop or over a few days or weeks. Some of the workshops we offer:
- Practicing Empathy
- Being different is OKAY: Acknowledging Diversity
- Understanding disability as diversity
- Inquiry & research as a way of life
- Make your own Ginny
- Make your own Ginny stories

2. ‘Disability, Diversity, & Inclusion’ trainings for adults and organizations
Orientation sessions with employees of organizations promote an understanding of disability and the basic do’s and don’ts of respecting disability as part of human diversity. These orientations are participatory. We engage participants actively through a combination of audio-visual content, discussions, as well as group activities.

3. Workshops for change-makers and development/social work professionals
Nurturing a range of perspectives and skills through workshops and conversations on empathy, diversity, disability, use of stories, storytelling, dolls, and doll-making as a catalyst for change, and so on. We also offer online capsule workshops at regular intervals. “Empathy in Action” is one of the most popular workshops sought by NGOs for thier teams.
4. Dolls, Puppets, & Action figures
The range of dolls and action figures aim at showcasing human diversity. At present, Ginny Doll is available. She helps you spread the message of human diversity! Ginny has a radial club hand. Therefore, her right hand and arm is different from the left arm. Do you know she has 9 fingers? Ginny wears specs to manage problems with her vision.
You can buy Ginny Doll from our Online Shop or :
Navrang, AADI
2, Balbir Saxena Marg, Hauz Khas, Delhi : 110016
5. Story Books
Story Books in which Ginny is one of the lead characters. What is her everyday life like? What are her adventures? What kind of mistakes does she make and learn from? What kind of a person is she becoming as she is growing up? How is she questioning, absorbing, and dealing with things around her? Who are her friends? These are some of the things that you would read and see in Ginny’s series, which weaves and presents her stories at different age and stages of her life.
6. Games
We are developing a range of games and related products that are inclusive, and hence can be used by children/people with or without disabilities.
7. Online Content
Creating content on issues of diversity for children and grown-ups. We are creating short videos for awareness-raising as well. For example, Challenge the status quo! Do you? , Do you assume what others can do?